The warm weather lasted until the end of February, where the mammals behaviour changed as the females start to look ahead to giving birth in the next month and Spring arrives. They have been moving around a lot, defending territories and searching for food.

Curious Tawny Owl from last Summer (KM)
The Tawny Owls are becoming vocal, Woodcock were seen and heard above the hide at dusk and the Bats have come out of hibernation. Evenings are getting much lighter so these animals will become much easier to spot and watch from the hide.

Inquisitive Pine Marten (Kate Mennie)
Since our previous Hide update the ‘new’ Pine Martens have been showing well most nights, with more regular visits from one the males and a female. They are becoming more inquisitive and hungrier as the evenings turn cooler again, giving us close views. Nights in the hide and the night vision cameras have been showing the sightings of Pine Martens, keeping a close eye on their bib markings to be able to identify them individually. One male couldn’t wait for food one nights as he arrived before any of the guests could get their cameras out or sit down!

Female Pine Marten of Night Camera
After the slow start to Spring activity, the Badgers are ranging closer to the hide, feeding close to the lights. Males have been having stand offs with each other as they try to decide who is boss, scent marking as they go. Our oldest Badger from last year has been seen again for the first time since November, looking as heathy as ever. Breeding season is in full swing and cubs will be born in the next few weeks, where they will stay for around eight weeks.

Hungry Badger (Kate Mennie)
As nights become lighter, and daylight-saving time is soon approaching, why not come and visit our Evening Wildlife Hide in hope of seen some of the mammals in the area?