Whether you are at home or out on your daily walk, wildlife experiences can happen anytime and can often brighten up your day. It may just simply be watching the birds visiting your feeders or unexpected wildlife encounters that put a smile on your face. Here are simple ways that you can take time in your day to see and hear the wildlife that surround us all.

Red Squirrel joining for a seat
The weather can be unpredictable in Britain, so any chance that you can get outside will allow you immerse yourself in nature. If you have a balcony or a bench to sit down, thirty minutes in the garden can help anybody feel calm. You can use this time as your lunch break, to read a book or whilst working. Enjoy the fresh air, sounds of birds and hopefully enjoy a bit of sunshine. You might even have some wildlife coming to join you!

Window open ajar
Even on a rainy day or if you cannot get outside, opening the window slightly can let the outdoor air and sounds in. I much prefer listening to the sounds of the outdoors whilst in the house rather than the radio or TV. Try writing a list of the birds that you can hear or see.

Vantage point for bird watching
Exercise or a dog walk is another good way of spending time outside each day. After a few surprise wildlife encounters recently, I was relieved to have a pair of binoculars with me in order to enjoy the wildlife up close and able to identify them easier. Taking a walk past a local park or through woods, it is always a good idea to have binoculars or a camera to capture what you see.

Watching birds from the comfort of the sofa
These are just some ways that you can take time to experience the wildlife that is becoming more active and vocal as we head into Spring. You can also connect with us through our website or social media where we share videos and photos to help you stay connected to nature.