At our Evening Wildlife Watching Hide, the Badgers have continued to entertain visitors. They feed peacefully most of the time but now and then they squabble and one will chase another out of the platform, there are nine Badgers at the moment.
There are now more Wood Mice around, running and grabbing peanuts where they can, using their split second judgement.

The female Pine Marten has continued to visit and happily munches away at the sultanas laid out for it. It amazes visitors every time it appears, showing its cat-like agility as it climbs through the branches.
One evening two Pine Martens came, the male came while it was still daylight and even came down to the ground with the Badgers nearby before disappearing over the platform. Then the female came while it was dark and she fed peacefully, then disappeared into the tree tops. Their faces are darker brown because both individuals are now moulting into their summer coats, which are much more chocolatey brown and with creamier yellow undersides, and they lose their winter 'fluffiness'.

There have also been Red Deer in the wet field visible from the hide, Common Snipe have been heard calling their ‘chucta-chucta-chucta’ calls and have also been heard drumming. There are roding Woodcocks in the Inshriach Forest uttering their single-note wispy calls and Barn Owls have also been heard hissing nearby.
If you would like your chance to see our nocturnal visitors click here and book your place today.