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Writer's pictureSpeyside Wildlife

Pine Marten Fun

Pine Martens aren’t always predictable as to when and where they might be seen. On occasions away from the hide I have seen them as I walked my dog during the day. The Pine Marten was so focused on my dog up the track it didn’t notice I was stood right underneath taking a photo. An evening walk recently was joined by a female who was running along the road, unfazed by a human’s presence. Although not nocturnal, Pine Martens at the hide are seen more often during late dusk or through the night. Last week on our night camera saw at least four individual pine martens visiting the hide at different times of the night.

Mother and Kit Pine Marten (Kate Mennie)

The Pine Martens were active last week at the hide, at times coming while it was light, showing us their playful side. The individual kit is still a little wary of the Badgers as she hides up the tree but is becoming more confident and feeding well, getting nearly as big as mum. Two more Pine Martens were seen playing together on the tree, possibly another couple of Kits? Hopefully more to come on that later.

Tawny watching for his dinner (Kate Mennie)

The Tawny Owl also made a surprise appearance on Monday, when it flew on top of the old railway carriage where it sat for over half an hour. We were watching it through the side window as it sat in search of its dinner.

Female Badger (Kate Mennie)

The Badgers have been a little wary, with one being frightened off by walkers approaching the hide. The ‘regular’ Badgers have been showing up, as well as possible incomers who have been chased off. The Badger family had a long lie one evening, only to all appear at once, with eight different individuals being seen, five of them all at once. The food disappeared in fifteen minutes, a record! A Wood Mouse did manage to grab some peanut butter before the invasion though!

Baby Wood Mouse having a Peanut feast! (Kate Mennie)

With the school holidays in Scotland now in full swing and temperatures getting back to normal with cloud predicted this week, the wildlife will hopefully be more active. Every night at our Wildlife Hide is different, with the anticipation of what could possibly be seen. Book here for your chance to visit this Summer.

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