The mild weather continues in the Cairngorms and at the wildlife hide. There has been a Spring step in all the wildlife over the last couple of weeks, including our Pine Martens. Winter still has time to return, but the mild February so far has meant that the wildlife has been showing signs of preparing for the season ahead. Lighter evenings and a change of meeting time for the hide also makes us look ahead.

Female badger (KateM)
Our Badger family are giving us occasional visits both on the cameras and whilst in the hide in the evening. They will hopefully be adding new members to their family in March so they are possibly saving their energy.

New Pine Marten pair? (KateM)
The biggest change since our last update, is that we have welcomed a few new faces (and bibs) to the Wildlife Hide. There was great excitement one evening, when two Pine Martens appeared at the table. After studying them and deciding that one was female and one was male, a look at their bibs also made me question the individuals. These were two Martens never recorded at the hide and looked to know each other well. Could they be a new breeding pair?

Female with new markings (KateM)
A couple of nights later, another new female Pine Marten and the next night another new male! This is a good sign of the healthy population of these mustelids in the area and shows that they are preparing for the breading season. Females may be pregnant now and are in search of a ‘natal den’ where they will give birth and raise their young.
The bib markings of these new Pine Martens are similar in many ways, so we will certainly be keeping a careful eye on any new individuals and any more activity around them. If you would like to visit our large and comfortable Wildlife Hide, click here.